If you'd like to workout less but get better results then read on - this is for you!
If you are like most busy women you want to get fit, healthy and strong without needing to spend hours in the gym because you simply haven't got the time let alone the motivation.
You want a quick workout that delivers you that strong healthy looking body and you want it EXPRESS....like next day delivery on Amazon Prime!
Here's the problem...
You think that you only get results by battling with the body
The go hard or go home saying has stuck...
But there is another way
The Sculpt with Emma intelligent exercise programme is like no other as it's been put together by a busy woman for busy women - just like you
Emma has supported 1000's of women over the last 6 years to get fit from their home with minimal time and effort required.
Now including nutrition support
Sculpt with Emma also includes help and advice with food and changing your eating habits. Learn the right foods to eat to support your body goals and hormones - there's no compromise needed, no juicing, no fasts and yes carbs are encouraged!
It's official, no pain no gain workouts are out! Instead imagine shaping up without counting calories or steps. With some simple changes, you are going to feel awesome by the summer!!

What my members say...

Picture this...picture your gains over your losses
- Picture yourself enjoying short and fun workout routines from your home with a collective of like minded women of a similar age.
- Picture yourself not feeling exhausted afterwards but feeling strong and confident, healthier and supported by the group
- Picture yourself as a woman ageing in health, no longer battling with her body and instead intuitive exercising...no longer starting and stopping
- Picture yourself free from hardcore workouts or needing to log your personal bests to prove to the social media world that you are "fit"
- Picture yourself finally understanding which foods make you feel amazing, fuel your body AND finally reach your happy place without a fad diet in sight.
Imagine waking everyday and working out, going to work after doing a little morning exercise routine to set you up for the day.
Imagine having the support and guidance from Emma, on hand to ask anything and working out knowing that other busy women like you are doing it at the same time and feeling part of a virtual community.
Imagine not being on a fasting, juice, no carb diet! Imagine being able to eat out and enjoy takeaways, even have cake with a friend.
Imagine 30 days from now if you are 1 percent better what you would feel and look like!
The difference between Emma and and an APP or a weekly exercise group is that Emma encourages you to communicate with her and the monthly zooms are a great time to meet the other ladies as well as ask Emma any questions - Emma's WhatsApp is always open and she encourages her clients to ask for support when stuck...

The nutrition lowdown
Sculpt with Emma is the online fitness programme that gives you more than just daily workouts, it also now includes food support. Week by week we build on changing our eating habits 1% at a time to get results in as little as 6-12 weeks.
For time poor women, Emma makes it easy. Each week you just make changes to one mealtime. This allows new habits to form slowly, without overwhelm at meal prep or too much restriction at once.
Many women see positive change in as little as 5 days, you really can feel good in very little time when you know how!
Emma does not sell juice cleanses or supplements; As a bikini competitor and fitness professional since she was 17 years old, Emma knows all the tricks to shape up and get sculpted.
Emma is NOT into fad diets! Let's face it, when we have eaten healthy for a few weeks, we feel amazing and we radiate health from within. A healthy woman oozes confidence and as women we love to feel great and be told that we look it too.
Emma's food options are designed for busy women on the go with minimal prep required. Quick, simple solutions which suit all dietary requirements are in and long winded recipes with fancy ingredients are out!
Is your exercise choice giving you stress belly?
Emma calls the hardcore exercises stress belly exercises because most often they leave a woman battling against her body as the more stressed a woman is, the more belly fat she'll hold onto. That's why its time for intelligent exercise and body support not a battle.
This online programme has been carefully put together to help reduce the stress that exercise can cause on the body. It supports women's forever changing hormones, encourages women to train around their female cycle and its totally against exercise feeling like a battle.
Instead it challenges whilst also helping reduce overwhelm, anxiety and exhaustion. Sculpt with Emma sculpts not only the body but also the lifestyle.
Choose your choices - Don't let your choices choose you!
There is no pill you can take for your well being, for brain fog , for bloating, for stress
it has to start with YOU making changes
If you feel bloated, tired, fed up of starting over again then this programme is designed for you.
The beauty is that Emma and the collective of like minded women are all cheering you on; every step of the way Emma is there to support and guide you.

If you want more impact and less burnout, then this programme is for you
Have you ever tried to get into shape by pushing yourself hard, maybe you share your achievements on social media to prove that you are doing it...then after a few weeks you feel exhausted/bored/no motivation?
Here's what isn't working
I know what you're thinking...you have tried at home workouts before and they don't work or you lack the motivation
Apart from excess belly fat and elevated cortisol, what have you got to lose?
A healthy morning routine is so easy to achieve and here's the proof

Our kids watch us...if we want them to be healthy, we have to lead by example
By working out with Emma your body will respond quickly and you will find your language towards yourself does too. You will start to see yourself differently and talk kinder to yourself...this won't go unnoticed by your family, they will notice a much brighter and lighter version of you...and guess what???
Our kids follow us!

Still not convinced? Let me share a story about a client & her friend
⚠️Warning - reading this story may just make you sign up to this easier and more freeing way of getting fit!⚠️
I want to share a story about 2 women, let's call them Jane and Sarah...Jane signed up to the intelligent exercise programme that Emma runs online and started to do 15 mins 3 times a week... she loved it so much that she did more and she learned how to train around her female cycle.
She found her posture changed, her body felt stronger and she got regular compliments about how great she looked. In fact, her friends were shocked by the very ”little” exercise she did.
Sarah chose to go to a HIIT class 3 times a week, at first she loved it but then her body started to feel tired and after a full day at work and doing the tea / homework she would find excuses not to go.
The class was hard on her joints and soon she noticed knee pain and got a shoulder injury, feeling constantly stiff and achy. She thought this was good after all the aches are her muscles crying...right!!! Before long she couldn’t keep up and it felt like another thing she had failed at. She also noticed that during the hardcore exercise she leaked in her knickers 😳
When she saw Jane (the one that just did 15 mins exercise) and couldn’t believe how great she looked! Of course she signed up!!!
Moral of the story - Be more Jane

I believe every woman's birthright is to feel great in their body.
Exercise is brilliant for mental wellbeing as well as ageing in health and the way I combine strength, mobility, flexibility and heart health workouts really do mean we age in health, promoting an overall sense of wellbeing. This is NOT just another exercise plan to punish our bodies for what we ate!
Emma is:
⚪️ A recovered bulimic
⚪️ A psychology of eating mentor
⚪️ A pilates instructor
⚪️ A postnatal and antenatal fitness expert
⚪️ A pelvic floor & diastasis recti specialist
⚪️ A trained dancer & personal trainer
⚪️ A hypnotherapist and inner child shadow worker
⚪️ A pleasure coach 😉
Imagine comments like this...
"Wow is that all you do...you look great, you must have a great metabolism to do that little and look that good"
- Your reply
"Thanks, I FEEL great"
The energy leak problem
When we try to shape up by exercising more we actually end up achieving less.
This may shock you about the fitness industry 😲
Not only do I help shape up your body, I help you to better understand & listen to it too!
Health + Mindset + Nutrition + Community + Accountability
Join Sculpt with Emma and get 3 days FREE trial. Remember it can take a few days to settle in so be patient and wobbles at the beginning are welcome. Emma encourages clients to laugh when they struggle as laughter makes everyone feel better.
How do the classes work?
To join in the fun, you'll need a Facebook account - no Facebook, don't worry make yourself a dummy account and just use it purely for the private group.
You aren't seen by any other women, so you can do it in your pyjamas with the house a mess and wearing last nights mascara whist telling the dog to stop barking! Or of course tell the house this is YOUR time to feel great.
After the 3 day FREE trial you will be billed for the monthly membership. The membership is £30 a month, equivalent to just £1 a day to have me in your pocket. You can cancel anytime with a full month's notice.
The timetable changes frequently to accommodate everyone and the workouts are recorded, so it doesn't matter if you watch on replay you still get the same experience.
Who's it for
YOU!!! Women struggling to find time and ready to grow their inner self whilst strengthening their entire body and getting more flexible and shapely at the same time.
Women ready to fill their cup first
Postnatal - Peri-meno - Menopause - ALL WOMEN are welcome
Bonus content
Weekly evening sessions to work on calming the nervous system through breath work, hypnosis or meditation.
Emma is also a qualified hypnotherapist and offers many tools to help retrain the mind to eat healthier for life.
Monthly community zoom calls as well as invites to in person events such as SUP yoga, Pelvic Floor workshops & more.
What you need
- A Facebook account
- A small space to exercise (preferably child free)
- A resistance band
- Weights (These are not essential to begin)
What exercises are they
- Anxiety reducing flow routines
- Chest opening and posture flows
- Hip opening and mobility drills
- Strength training to maintain muscle mass and reduce osteoporosis risk
- Heart rate elevating fitness routines
- Arm and bum sculpting exercises (always a fave 🍑)
- + many more

Exercise that feels like you are making love to your body

Cardio for heart health as we age

Strength training to support our bones

Energy healing and nervous system support

Strengthen the immune system and navigate daily stress
Balance 〰 Flow 〰 Strength 〰 Heart Health 〰 Flexibility 〰 Mobility 〰 Power
All this for only £1 a day - Is this for me?
YES!! Who wouldn't want to invest just £1 a day to feel awesome, it's a no brainer!
But what if I can't make it live? Simply do the recorded replay in the group and the beauty is that when you comment with #IAmWorthIt Emma will reply back and celebrate you. YES YOU! Emma knows all her clients and is their virtual cheerleader!
What if I fail? What if you don't? Visualise yourself now, full of energy and vitality, healthy and strong, flexible and happier with your body. Emma regularly hosts community calls that are gifted for anyone struggling.
Still undecided? Want to ask Emma a question? Pop your question into the form below and she'll get right back to you.
Ask me anything
I'm here to help with any questions or concerns you have about joining the programme.