A 6 Month Journey for the Overthinking, Overwhelmed Woman to Embody Her Radiant Sensuality

Does life feel more like a running to do list of chores than a pleasurable, fun, soul nourishing experience of your self expression?
Keep reading.
This is where you come to BREAK FREE from feeling tense, restricted, low energy
RADIANT WOMEN is here to help you get back your VA VA VOOM for life.
And support you to create the time, space, and ritual to remember your YOU ARE A SEXY WOMAN IN HER PRIME!
And gives you permission to DO THINGS THAT FILL YOU UP, even when the dishwasher needs unloading!
And YES YES YES you were made for SO much MORE. You were made to FEEL YOUR BODIES BLISSFUL FLUTTERS.
RADIANT WOMAN has been put together for you. Whether you are single, in a relationship, live alone with your kids. ALL women from late teens to late 60's will all benefit from the fun rituals.
We ALL have sex. We all have a Pelvic Floor & We ALL deserve pleasure & we ALL deserve to have MORE FUN with our bodies.
I SEE YOU Tense, uptight. Taught like a rubber band stretched beyond its limits, counting down the days to your next vacation.
You have a million tabs open in your mind, but most days you feel like you barely make it through the contents of two of them.
Your life, your relationships, and your sex have lost their romance.
You feel the call to be filled up, to remember what it’s like to FEEL ALIVE, SENSUAL & HORNY!
I SEE YOU, you crave space, you always feel restricted, contracted & tense. Even intimacy is rushed because you are tired, aren't ever in the mood or you just want to get it over with - like you are ticking off another thing on your to do list.
Do you fancy FEELING more sensual, confident, fun, wild, playful & live a more turned on life?
Let me be clear. Turned on living isn't for a man. It's for YOU!
You can choose to live feeling uptight, low energy & tense & ill health.
Believe me...it makes doing the chores way more fun!!! You GLOW from within & feel RADIANT.
Fancy some of this?! Of course you do... keep reading.
Not only is it Female Embodiment & Nervous System support, it's also PLEASURE LEAD Pelvic Floor therapy for women that leak, need high vibe toys to get off, have sex out of duty, only have it when drunk, fake it or feel that their Pelvic Floor muscle issues mean that they lack internal sensation.
If you lack desire or are addicted to the high vibe toy because if you don't use it you feel very little.
If you feel a shadow of your former self...I GOT YOU!
Why wait any longer. We only live once & living feeling tense, uptight, restricted & with a lack of libido or sensation internally means we are missing out on the pleasure our body was designed to FEEL.
Does this Resonate?

You often don’t have time for yourself, life never seems to slow down.
You put other things and people before your own needs because if you don’t… then things don’t get done. This leaves you with zero energy to look after yourself and your body feels heavy and tense, weighed down by life.
You start and end the day on your phone, doom scrolling as an escape.
You want to be on it less and know that your mind is frazzled with all the information, the consumption… but sitting down with a glass of wine and Netflix seems to be the fastest way to take the edge off.
You take in lots of information, listen to podcasts and have self help books… But you don’t feel like you have the time to take the actions.
You find yourself joining free programmes because they sound like what you need, but never give yourself the time to do them and then get annoyed with yourself.
You feel disconnected from your body, don’t feel sensual anymore, don’t fancy sex.
And when you do get intimate, you aren't really present in your body and often rush through it. Sometimes it even feels like another chore.
You feel really stiff in your body, always tense and uptight.
You feel inflexible and you always seem to be in a battle with your body somehow… A kink here, a pinch there… it’s always off somehow.
You have lost connection with your feminine and can’t remember the last time you got lost in pleasure in your body.
You look in the mirror and see a woman that looks exhausted. Where’s that sensual, organic fun woman gone that used to enjoy her body?
You say yes to things because you feel like you have to or everything will fall apart… when really, what you wanted to say was “No!”
Later, you get frustrated that you had to commit out of obligation.

If you are a woman who is committed to her own growth, evolution, and embodiment…
Because you know that when you are your most radiant, self expressed, and sensual self you can be of the highest service to others, too…
You’re in the right place.
And not just the right place being this page, this program.
The right place being the home of your body that you’re in now.
Your mind has taken them and is driving you at a million miles a minute, but you’re longing to return home…
Home to your sensual self.
Home to your pleasure.
Home to your joy.
Home to your radiance.
Let me take you on a delicious journey...
I will support you every step of the way. Where I get you out of your busy mind - lets face it, sometimes our minds are a big bully!)
Let me FREE you from the chaos and bring you back home to your body with practices and rituals that feel delicious and beautiful and easy to gift yourself the time.
The practices support you in feeling calm, spaciousness, sensual, confident, relaxed and bring out the wild woman within (Yup she's within YOU!)
If you're ready to feel
- Juicy
- Sexy
- Turned on
- Relaxed
- Soulgasmic
... All in the home of your own skin.
Let's add some vavavoom to your life!
A life beyond chores and in your deepest pleasure is waiting for you.

After becoming a mom and an entrepreneur, my mind was always full. My day started with coffee and a to-do list. I was go go go-ing from the moment I got out of bed to the moment I stopped scrolling on social media and went to sleep.
I remember my boy’s dad saying, “You’re going to give yourself a nervous breakdown if you don’t slow down.”
But the thing was… I couldn’t slow down. If I didn’t do it all, then who the hell would!? There was too much to do to not do it.

When we split up, I got even busier.
Suddenly, I was in lockdown as a single parent, teacher, business owner and home keeper. I went through early Menopause and my anxiety and overwhelm and feelings of inner chaos took over me.
As a pelvic floor fitness instructor, a Pilates teacher, and personal trainer - I had always said to my clients during exercise class “Listen to your body.”
But, what does that really mean? I was learning the hard way the consequences of not knowing as my nervous system began to break down.
It was when I discovered female embodiment and nervous system regulation that I finally started to listen to the callings of my body for the first time.
(Who knew that listening to your body didn’t mean “pushing harder” by exercising and dieting more?!)
I realised all my life I had followed other people’s routines. In a Pilates class, in a dance class, in a hardcore exercise regime… but not once had I actually asked what my body needed.
Then, I got knocked on my ass by grief. By the grace of the universe, I was handed a life changing event that made me slow down and really look at how I was living my life.
For the first time I saw it with clarity. I wasn’t going to make it if I kept living this way.I had to finally make this the main priority.
I discovered embodiment and hypnotherapy and my life radically, irreversibly changed.
I learned how to get my body, nervous system, and brain all on board to help me create positive change in my life.
And now, I love to help busy and overwhelmed women that feel their body is a battle and their mind their biggest bully to come home to themselves and remember the birthright of their daily SOULgasmic pleasure.
My short, simple, fun and stress releasing practices will liberate you heart, mind, and pussy so you can remember it for yourself, too.
I once went to see a doctor because the numbness that I felt in my day to day life, I was also experiencing in the bedroom:
You know what she told me? “You’re just not made to experience internal bliss.”
It was like a slap in the face. In the moment we were talking about my pussy… but the statement felt like a metaphor for my life.
“Am I just not meant to experience the pleasure I feel like is available to me? Why would I desire it, then, in the first place? Is something wrong with me that I’m so numb and on autopilot in the bedroom… and out?”
I’m happy to report she was wildly incorrect. Not only was I meant to have mind blowing full body orgasms in the bedroom, I was meant to be having pure SOULgasms in my day to day life.

I started to explore ways to open myself up to the bliss that I knew in my heart was my birthright, and I discovered something…
I was not alone!
Most women I spoke to felt, well, not at home in their body. I heard story after story of women feeling disconnected and low energy, no matter how many yoga classes, cups of coffee, and salads they consumed.
I went on a mission to change my own relationship to my body and my pleasure. As I began to learn new practices I could implement into my day to day (even as a busy mom!) I found myself again.
I found my pleasure in the day to day.
I found my bliss in my own home, my body.
I stopped comparing and started LIVING!
… And I started to feel lit up, alive, energized, and soulgasmic about my life, body, and self.
Now I help women get wild, wet and juicy in every area of their life, from the bedroom to their love life to their relationship with their mind and body..
(Do words like “wet, wild, and juicy” make you cringe a little? They used to make me, too! Keep reading…)
I now help other women, like me, not only achieve better internal orgasms (yum!) but also to live a more connected life through accessing the fullness of the pleasure that’s available to them..
Many of my clients have totally changed the way they have sex, communicate their needs, and show up embodied in their body confidence… and all report how much better and pleasurable every aspect of life gets!
If you’re feeling the resonance, I want you to know this is for you, even if:
You don’t think your man is interested in joining you in the inner work…
I hear this all the time and I also know from experience: Radical shifts and changes can happen in our relationship when we take care of our side of the fence. I encourage you to do the work and watch what it makes possible for you… and how every area of your life can benefit, including your love life with your partner!
One of my clients partner’s loves how his wife is more present in love making so much that he passes his credit card whenever she mentions doing more work with me.
You’re a busy career woman, mother, wife, or all of the above…
I get it because I was a single woman when I started to delve deeper into embodiment practices and female sensuality. At first, I thought I was doing great with vibrating toys.
I quickly learned that female sensuality is more about a coming home to safety in the body with beautiful rituals of self love - not being quick to cum!
When I got into partnership and started to balance my practice with being a mom, I learned just how important these practices are in our every day… plus how to balance them into my life.
I stopped feeling as frazzled, exhausted, and disconnected from my family. And I want that for you, too. So I make them practical, implementable, and easy to fit into the day to day.
The rituals I teach are so calming, connecting and beautiful.
They take a woman from feeling tense, uptight and battling with her body to feeling calm, confident and living in a body that brings you so much joy and pleasure.
Let me help you lose your mind and get lost in your sacred sanctuary - your home of your body.
Now that you’ve arrived here, you’ve made it this far, I am so excited to share with you…

A 6 month online journey for the over thinking, overwhelmed woman ready to embody her sensuality and go from burn out to sizzling with radiance within with rituals that she's never experienced before!
Inside Radiant Woman, you will discover:
- How to achieve balance. If your health is all or nothing (such as fad diets or hitting the gym daily for months only to fall off again), this will help you find a flow that works in your every day life and makes your sensuality and health journey sustainable.
- How to stop comparing and start stepping into your confidence. Maybe until now you believed a healthy woman was all about how she looks aesthetically. We’ve been taught to base our health on rigid exercise regimes and following another diet… yet you never feel happy in your body and you have no idea where that sensual, energized, radiant woman went. She seems to be lost in a world of busy. Let me guide you back home to her.
- If you have lost your libido, never have the energy for sex, you want sex over with quickly so you can move onto the next thing (like ticking off another chore or getting sleep) then this program is for you to help support your libido and make love making with yourself or a partner more of a beautiful sensual, slow orgasmic experience.

- How to easily go from mental overload to feeling more spacious, free and lighter in the mind. Your mind may feel like it’s your biggest energy sometimes (hello overthinking, comparison, and perfectionism!) but we’re going to make it your new best friend by rewiring the mind for more pleasure.
- How to drop saying yes to so many things that there's no time left for you. Let me guide you to become the queen of your own energ, removing things from your life that aren’t a full bodied yes , yes , yes.
- How to go from feeling numb, not really being present during sex, wanting sex over with quick to relaxing into the experience and leading your partner with confidence sharing with him exactly what a woman needs to feel open to receive
- How to go from scrolling daily and moaning you have no time to do things… to putting down your phone and sinking into the orgasmic sensations of your body and creating time and spaciousness to love yourself.
My coaching is different because…
Instead of pushing you towards another goal, we’ll be slowing down and reconnecting with your most intimate parts, mind body and soul.
If you find yourself signing up to free programmes, cheap Apps and yet never find the time to do the sessions, then this is for you.
I’ve designed this for women who are committed to being an amazing partner, friend, lover, mother…
And know the best way to do that is by taking care of herself, first.

All Calls are Recorded
In this module you will..
- YOU COME FIRST! Expect to feel your bodies subtle whispers of pleasure as soon as you invest and say YES to receiving more. You're so worth it!
- LET'S END THE BODY BATTLE - It's about time! I wonder what would happen if we had a generation of woman that saw their bodies as a sacred temple? Let's find out. Let's kick diets and instead make eating healthy super easy by embodying a deep sense of reverence for our body.
- RELEASE STRESS, REGULATE & RECONNECT move your emotions through your body and release your tight hips and back pain - without a downward dog in sight!
- TAKE RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY for your emotional health and enjoy a slower more sensual movement pace where your hips turn into honey and your spine spirals as you draw in love and devotion. Starting the day in a high vibrational state of pleasure.
Live practise rituals (with recordings available)
Plus online Portal and community accountability calls. Let me empower you, be your cheer leader and support you every step of the way. Making taking care of your mind and body super easy and quick.
In this module you will….
- EXPERIENCE DAILY SOULGASMS where you start to feel the subtle sensations and delicious whispers from your body.
- MEDICINE FOR THE SOUL As we take away penetration and the end goal of orgasm you start to really understand how pleasure can be felt all over the body and not limited to genitals. The juices flow more when you feel safe, adored, present in your body and take things slow.
- POSITIVE ATTENTION Become a woman that adores herself giving yourself the loving attention and support you often seek from others.
- AWAKEN YOUR INNER LOVER and open yourself up to BRAND NEW ways to self regulate and relax to boost your body confidence and self esteem both in and out of the bedroom.
Live rituals plus recorded content.
This module is making love to yourself beyond the quick flick of the clit!
PLEASE NOTE: Hypnotherapy is used in this module to support you in becoming more relaxed.
In this module you will….
- INCREASED SENSITIVITY FOR INTERNAL ORGASMS Discover ways to help your pussy feel more internal bliss. Eliminate painful sex, numbness and faking orgasms! It's time you delved DEEPER.
- ACCESS NEW PATHWAYS TO PLEASURE reconnect to your Pussy and fall in love with her - she's' the temple entrance to receiving more. Not just in the bedroom but in life. You deserve to feel more, receive more and make love worth making.
- ENHANCE INTIMACY where penetration becomes deeply nourishing and relaxing (Yup relaxing)
- CHANGE THE WAY YOU COME ride the waves of bliss. Sex and self pleasure rituals start to change and becomes less about speed, friction and the end goal and more of a soft, gentle and slow unfolding.
Live rituals plus recorded content.
This module is making love to yourself beyond the quick flick of the clit!
This course will be delivered each week for 30-90 minutes (depending on the ritual I'm supporting you in)
The course INCLUDES
Online content also included via secure platform (not FB)
All calls recorded
Access to me
All missed content is recorded and uploaded within 24 hours into the portal.
MAKE 2024 about receiving more pleasure,raising your libido, living turned on & juicy!
FEB 2024
Content available until August 24!
ENROLL NOWYour Journey Begins Here