Meet Emma


Hello and welcome to Supercharged Club. I'm Emma, a leader in exercise for the modern women. People call me the Miss Motivator of female fitness. With the current exercise trend being all about insanity type fast paced workouts and training to constantly out do your last training session with personal bests…its no wonder that we feel like like worn out zombies rather than powerful wonder women!

The keep going, keep pushing, do more, no pain no gain fitness speak is detrimental to our health, both mentally, physically and spiritually.

I'm here to change the way women move, think and feel.

I'm proud to lead my pack of women differently. A new way in which women get stronger, work out consistently, get the results and also do it in a way which honours their fucking amazing bodies.  Consistency is key to changing shape and getting stronger, but as a woman with hormones and therefore energy dips and highs, what consistency means is different for...

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